title fail:

Here’s the second photo in my ongoing series, “Memories From The Edge,” cleverly named “Pt. 2.” Like the title? No? — Well, maybe I should have called it, Venice Strikes Back? IDK.

Every night, rain or shine (mostly rain). I’d return to this spot in Venice to watch the light fade from the sky. Each day had a different feeling and mood, constantly changing as the hours ran late. Combining those feelings with my already grumpy demeanor (because it was freaking raining every day) & a steady influx of white wine (also because it was raining every day), helped me produce this really soft, distant work.

There’s probably going to be 1 or 2 more photos in this Night Photography series. Maybe I should cue up some better titles ahead of time? Any suggestions?

Daily Banana – Memories From The Edge Pt. 2

Venice Italy - Memories From The Edge 2